1 min read
19 Feb

Staff/Feb 2021

We are looking for Artistic Swimmers, Coaches, Parents and others from our NorCal clubs and other artistic swim clubs to contribute articles related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Share your experiences, talent, business or non artistic swimming curiosities to showcase who you or others are. 

You or others can be anyone of any racial, ethnic, cultural, or identity background. Everyone has a unique perspective and a diverse voice, so let's hear about what you have to say! Please email your articles and photos to: norcalartisticswimming@gmail.com 

We reserve the right to publish specific submissions and to edit or deny those which do not meet our criteria. If you submit any content or photos, please ensure they belong to you or that you have permission to use it. We will be happy to add photo or content credits at the end of your article.

* The email will not be published on the website.