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Northern California Artistic Swimming Alliance (NCASA)
NOTE: This website is NOT affiliated with the Pacific Association of Synchronized Swimming (PASS), Artistic Swim AWD, or USA Artistic Swimming (USAAS), USAAS Foundation or any other Artistic Swimming organization. The contents, language, views, opinions or any other information, does not necessarily reflect any of the 14 clubs/teams/performance groups listed, or any organization we are affiliated with. Any of the information viewed within this website can be found on the individual club sites and/or throughout internet searches. The Northern California Artistic Swimming Alliance (NCASA) does not officially represent any of the clubs or organizations listed or mentioned. We are a free referral and information page and the clubs or organizations do not have any contractual or monetary agreement for any service or information we provide.

NCASA is a free alliance of 14 Artistic Swim Clubs/Teams/Performance Groups in Northern California, from Seaside to the Sacramento area. NCASA's goals are to inform, reach out to the community about our sport, as well as recruit swimmers for the clubs/teams/performance groups. While there are a diverse selection of clubs/teams throughout the region, there are currently no clubs/teams serving the Central Valley. There may be individual coaches who can provide private training at your pool of choice, but you would need to contact the nearest club/team to make this arrangement. This website is intended to inform about local clubs/teams/Performance groups, upcoming artistic swimming and related events, exhibitions and artistic swim performances as well as other aquatic interests/info which benefits the local communities in Northern California. We are committed to maintaining our excellence to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). We are also a website for the continuity of information about our sport and our commitment to inform about our diverse sports excellence.

The Governing sports body is the United States Artistic Swimming Federation USAAS (Colorado) and the clubs are in the West Zone, Northern California, in the Pacific Association of Synchronized Swimming (PASS). The Clubs/Teams/Performance Groups listed offer a variety of programs from camps, performances, recreational, competitive, collegiate and masters. These clubs/teams serve anyone with any ability including athletes with disabilities (AWD).

If you have ANY personal swim questions or are interested in a particular club in your region, please visit our clubs/teams/performance groups page. You will see the links to the 14 clubs/teams/performance groups throughout Northern California.

PLEASE NOTE: There are a only a few clubs which actively offer masters training (adults 18 and older). Please refer to our club page and contact these clubs directly:
1) Calif Synchro Masters
2) Redwood Empire
3) SF Tsunami
4) Sacramento Synchro

Keep in mind, they may also be able to offer private training if you are in a remote area nearest their club/team. Other clubs offer training for youths 6yrs to 17yrs old. With the exception of athletes with (qualified) impairments or disabilities (AWD), the age ranges for clubs/teams are from 6yrs old and up (adults). Please inquire with clubs/teams on the home page which are in YOUR area unless you are willing to travel an hour or more within and around the Bay Area.

While all the listed clubs/teams may accommodate swimmers with impairments/disabilities, Bay Area Synchro in the South Bay offers specific training/competitions for AWD ages 6 and older (including AWD 18 and older). At this time, Bay Area Synchro is not offering Masters training due to shortage of coaching staff and pool space.

Collegiate clubs MAY only accept tentative membership if you are a student at the institution which offers a team/club. We are always looking forward to including new members to the Northern California clubs! You deserve the BEST in Northern California! If you are in Southern California, please visit the Federation club locater page at: Find a Synchro Club: USA Artistic Swimming - Features, Events, Results | Team USA 

NCASA is a supporter member of the USA Artistic Swimming Federation (USAAS), Team USA.